Manufacturing Day 2016

Thousands of manufacturers from across the country participated in Manufacturing Day 2016.  On Friday, October 7th, various manufacturers opened their doors to schools, students, parents and potential job seekers to demonstrate what modern manufacturing looks like and to connect with the next generation.

From information on, we identified 87 different events planned throughout the State of Pennsylvania and 180 events in the State of Ohio.  These events included tours of production facilities, demonstrations, presentations and Q&A sessions hosted by manufacturers of all sizes, including recognizable brands and industry leaders such as Cooper Tire, Eaton, General Motors, Honda, Kennametal, Oberg Industries, PPG, Stanley Black and Decker and Zippo. 

Manufacturing Day was co-produced by four primary organizations – Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International, National Association of Manufacturers, Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the Manufacturing Institute, in an effort to update the image of the industry and attract our nation’s youth to manufacturing careers.  Given the much publicized skilled-labor shortage within the industry, this was a great occasion for manufacturers to demonstrate that working in a manufacturing environment today means working with CAD, robotics, 3-D printing and other technologies, as well as promoting the need and opportunities for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) professionals within their companies. 

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