Pennsylvania Manufacturers – Call to Action

Amid the growing COVID-19 crisis, Governor Tom Wolf is encouraging all Pennsylvania manufacturers that produce or have the ability to produce critical medical supplies and products to submit information regarding their capabilities to the recently created Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal. As indicated on the state’s website, the portal was developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) to:

  • “Match manufacturers and distributors to fill specific supply chain needs to meet increasing demands for medical supplies and related products.
  • Assist manufacturers that have workforce needs or gaps and aid them in identifying skilled workers.
  • Identify manufacturers that can pivot or innovate to fulfill the demand for medical supplies and related products.”

Wolf said, “We’re asking everyone to do their part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including ensuring that our health care system is prepared to care for patients and that there is access to critical personal protective equipment and products as more individuals and businesses take preventive measures…Throughout our commonwealth’s history, our manufacturing sector has answered the call to move us forward and contributed tremendously in times of turbulence. I call upon our private sector to be a part of the solution to this crisis.”

With the information gathered through the Portal, the DCED will work to identify opportunities for the state’s manufacturers to help in this critical time of need.

Please visit our Coronavirus resource page at for related content.

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Protect Your Manufacturers: 3 Common Cyber Attack Methods to Watch Out for in 2023
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