A Positive Workplace Can Help Retain Construction Employees

With the construction industry sustaining a high turnover rate these days, retaining employees can be challenging. One of the easiest and most effective ways to encourage workers to stay at their current company, however, is by creating a positive workplace environment.

Start by engaging more with your team. Extending genuine compliments on an employee’s work, for example, can go a long way. Offering occasional incentives like free lunch or free coffee and doughnuts is also beneficial. Celebrating birthdays, holidays and work anniversaries can create a positive environment, too. Making employees feel valued, and visibly demonstrating that they’re not just another worker, gives them more reason to stay.

Demonstrate how workers have meaningful purpose by explaining the big picture of projects. Instead of simply instructing a worker on a task, illustrate how that task will help the project as a whole.

Providing training and challenging employees are another way to help with retention. All workers like to progress at their job, and by offering training, it can be done. Challenging workers to take on tasks they’re unfamiliar with is also effective, as it provides a break from repetitive tasks and provides them with a greater sense of purpose. Promoting from within also goes a long way in demonstrating the potential benefits of staying with the company.

Consider having solution sessions that seek employee input into how to solve identified problems. These types of gatherings are much more focused than general meetings, which can often be a bit of a wildcard of ideas and create complaints versus solutions.

Employees want to work at a place where they are motivated and can grow. They leave companies that don’t have a great culture and/or opportunities. Be innovative in interacting and engaging your workforce. It’s frequently said that what made you successful as a company historically might not be the reason you’ll be successful in the future. Be willing to embrace the changing times and workforce.

About Schneider Downs Construction Services

Led by a diverse group of shareholders and managers, Schneider Downs provides strategic and practical solutions for our construction clients in all facets of their business. Our dedicated team of more than 350 professionals have a wide background of tax, accounting, technological and business experience in the region, specifically in Pittsburgh and Columbus. 

Our Construction industry group is committed to helping our clients solve the growing list of complex business and accounting problems facing the construction industry. To learn more, visit our Construction Services page.  

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Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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