Postcard from EACUBO

Day one of the annual meeting of the Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers brought together more than 450 individuals to discuss the state of the industry in our hometown of Pittsburgh. The start of the day was all about making moments that matter, a great opener to any conference. Speaker Dan Heath of Duke University stressed the idea that all leaders in attendance should find ways to create “moments that matter” within each of their respective organizations that, in turn, will allow their teams to understand the overall goals of the institution. In addition, we should make efforts to ensure that creating moments that matter is part of our ongoing learning process.

From that point during the day, a number of topics brought into focus knowledge that could be used to move an institution forward, including the Washington Update, the annual Financial Accounting Standard Board update, Green Bonds, Managing International Risk, Advancing Diversity and Inclusion on Campus, and Analytics for Financial Sustainability.

Each of these sessions brought colleagues together for dialogue that addressed how the industry is changing and how best to prepare for what is now the near constant state of change. I personally enjoy attending these types of events to be part of conversations with fellow industry individuals to hear firsthand about the successes and challenges their institutions are facing and how they are adapting to ongoing change.

As day one concludes, I reflect on these moments that will allow me to better serve my clients and help them navigate their own “moments that matter.” 

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