Postcard from Warsaw

Last week, I attended the EMEA (European, Middle East and Africa) regional meeting of PrimeGlobal in Warsaw, Poland.  The conference included approximately 160 attendees from throughout the world and included topics relating to business succession planning, cybersecurity, hiring and retaining the next generation, and communicating with firms across the world.  A former Swiss intelligence official also provided a very interesting look at the current state of world affairs, including migration, immigration and Brexit. 

While in Warsaw, I was able to meet with team members from Australia, Germany, UK, Italy, Sweden and France to discuss specific client matters, proving that this really is a small world!

Facts about Warsaw -

  • The town crest has a mermaid on it (brandishing a shield and sword).
  • Many townspeople escaped the old city during WWII through the sewer systems.
  • Old Town was rebuilt after WWII and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • The Palace of Culture and Science is often referred to as “Mother Russia’s Gift” and is a very Soviet-inspired piece of architecture.
  • Folks really love one of their native sons- Frederick Chopin!

Contact us for more information on how Schneider Downs can assist your international needs and visit our SD Global Services page to learn more about the services we offer.

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