Postcard from Miami

Earlier this month, several Schneider Downs shareholders participated in PrimeGlobal’s Annual North American Tax and Accounting Conferences. These conferences focused on a wide variety of current technical topics, as well as discussions on best practices and administrative practices and industry issues.  Included in this year’s tax conference was the first-ever International Tax Workshop for the annual North American regional meeting.  The North American delegates (U.S., Canada and Mexico) were joined by counterparts from the U.K. and Europe in the workshop to facilitate a truly global conversation.

Recognizing the increasing importance of global business, we created an afternoon session that incorporated presentations on the OECD Based Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS) pronouncements and the U.S. application of the new guidelines, individual and estate tax planning for international clients, and foreign direct investment practices. PrimeGlobal’s ability to share resources and information allows us to respond to client needs—whether in the U.S. or abroad.

Contact us for more information on how Schneider Downs can assist your international needs and visit our SD Global Services page to learn more about the services we offer.

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our thoughts on
E.U. Environmental, Social, and Governance Proposals under CSRD and their Impact on U.S. Companies
Most Schedule K-2 and K-3 Reporting Can Now Be Postponed Until 2022 Tax Return Filing
E-filing of New Pass-Through Schedules K-2 and K-3 Starts in March
Build Back Better Tax Legislation Update – International Tax Changes
Proposed Tax Changes to GILTI
IRS Announces New Update Regarding Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures and Section 965
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