Practical Considerations of International Business Seminar

Every day, clients call with questions relating to international activities. Often, clients inquire about sending money to a foreign subsidiary or pay a dividend to or from a foreign entity. Sometimes, the questions are about how to get started in a particular country.  Clients also ask about how to hire foreign employees or relocate US individuals overseas.

Schneider Down’s participation in Prime Global provides the resources to answer these questions.  To assist our clients in understanding some of the nuances of international business, Schneider Downs is hosting a seminar on June 17th with several foreign delegates from Prime Global, along with perspectives from some our clients.  We will have speakers from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Russia and the U.K. 

We will have a lively panel discussion and Q&A session with both the business advisors and company representatives about the rules and the reality of expanding and operating outside of the U.S.  Please join us!

Seminar Details
Fairmont Hotel, Pittsburgh
June 17, 2015
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Register on the following webpage:

Contact us if you have any further questions about our international business seminar and visit our SD Global webpage to learn about services that we offer companies doing business in the global marketplace.

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