Who Doesn't Like Free Samples? Sample Our Educational Automotive Webinars

Like Free Samples from Costco, Our Free Automotive Industry Educational Webinars Are Ready to be Consumed

If you are like me, you love to visit Costco and try out the free samples.  I partake of each sample with curiosity.  Did you know that the Schneider Downs Auto Dealer Advisors provide something similar to what Costco provides?  We have free samples that just might satisfy you.  Now these samples might not satisfy your children with a taste of GoGurt, but some might give them a taste of the good life.  The last webinar that we presented was on the topic of succession planning.  Melanie LaSota, who is our Director of Estate and Succession Planning here at Schneider Downs, presented a free sample of ideas that might interest you with your succession planning of your dealership to your children.

Automotive Industry Educational Webinars:

  • Month-End Closing
  • Document Safeguarding:  Are You Truly Compliant
  • Internal Controls and Financial Processes
  • Capital Expenditures:  Discussing the Final Regulations
  • Federal and State Taxation of Demonstrator Vehicles

Visit our website for our free samples of the Automotive Industry Update Webinar Series.  Why not?  They are free!

Contact us for more information on the Schneider Downs Auto Dealer Advisors’ complementary webinars or if you would like to recommend a topic of discussion.

You’ve heard our thoughts… We’d like to hear yours

The Schneider Downs Our Thoughts On blog exists to create a dialogue on issues that are important to organizations and individuals. While we enjoy sharing our ideas and insights, we’re especially interested in what you may have to say. If you have a question or a comment about this article – or any article from the Our Thoughts On blog – we hope you’ll share it with us. After all, a dialogue is an exchange of ideas, and we’d like to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].

Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

© 2023 Schneider Downs. All rights-reserved. All content on this site is property of Schneider Downs unless otherwise noted and should not be used without written permission.

our thoughts on
Automobile, Tax BY Brett Cubellis
Explaining the Transfer/Advance Payment of Clean Energy Credits and Energy Credits Online Registration
Automobile, Tax BY Steven Barber
How Did the IPIC Method Fare for Auto Dealerships Inventory in Year 2?
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SD Auto Advisors Continue to Work on Our Own Succession Plan
A Perfect Storm for Interest Expense Limitation is Brewing for Auto Dealerships!
EV Tax Credit Overview and Reference Guide
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