Schneider Downs Manufacturing Webinar a Success!

On Wednesday, September 23, the Schneider Downs Manufacturing Group held an informative webinar for leaders in the manufacturing industry across western Pennsylvania.  With the help of Schneider Downs’ Automation and Data Analytic Process Team (ADAPT) and Tech Consulting group, attendees were given insight to the current state of the manufacturing industry and how technological advancements could benefit a company’s operating effectiveness and efficiency.

Our webinar began with our Tech Consulting team providing some background on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and the impact to the manufacturing industry. RPA is a digital enablement technology that is expanding companies’ abilities to automate using existing IT infrastructure.  Since automation is expected to grow to 70% of work tasks in the next two years, RPA will enable companies to save time on repetitive tasks and allow employees to focus their time on problem-solving and developing new ideas.

The ADAPT team then provided some information on data analytics and their benefits to the manufacturing industry.  Data analytics generally provide for the utilization and customization of previously unused data to fit a company’s specific needs.  In turn, this will allow companies to save time and money, gain efficiencies and empower decision-makers to make data-driven decisions.

We thank all of those who took the time out of their day to join the webinar.  If you’d like to hear more about the benefits that data analytics and RPA can provide for your company, please contact Matt Kraemer, [email protected], or Patrick Armknecht, [email protected], respectively.

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