Schneider Downs Trucking Industry White Paper Series

Over the past several years, Schneider Downs has partnered with the Ohio Trucking Association (OTA) to publish the annual Business Outlook and Economic Survey report. This resource, drafted based on the responses of OTA members, was historically aimed at helping trucking companies operating within the State of Ohio become more operationally efficient and profitable. 

Response rates were down this year, likely driven by the ongoing pressures facing the trucking industry, and we did not feel the volume of responses was sufficient to yield meaningful, broad-based conclusions. However, determined to produce something of value, we instead set our collective focus on drafting a series of white papers aimed at addressing the most critical issues currently facing the trucking industry.

Exploring the Driver Shortage Issue

At the OTA Annual Conference on September 13, 2021, we issued the first white paper in the series, focused on the #1 issue currently terrorizing trucking companies – the truck driver shortage.  Coordinated attraction and retention efforts and incentives are more necessary now than ever. Increasing age, along with the effects of the lingering pandemic, have pushed many seasoned drivers from the workforce. With new attitudes of the Millennial generation—workers desiring more work-life balance and flexibility—age limitations and a strong job market, companies are struggling to develop younger talent. This white paper highlights multiple considerations for retaining and recruiting drivers. Following these topics, this white paper looks at some less obvious business strategies you should consider, including unique retirement benefits programs and several tax strategies.

You can download the Driver Shortage whitepaper here.

State of the Industry Whitepaper Series

Over the next six months, we will be researching the topics below and providing you with relevant, real-time information you can use to make strategic decisions in your trucking company.

September: State of the Industry - Driver Shortage
October: State of the Industry - Lease Accounting
November: State of the Industry - Economic Update
December: State of the Industry - ADAPT/Infrastructure
January: State of Industry - Tax Update
February: State of Indsutry - Cyber/Technology

Next year we expect to relaunch our membership survey and I encourage you to look out for it.  But in the meantime, we hope you enjoy the Schneider Downs Trucking Industry White Paper Series available at

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