Starting a Cybersecurity Consulting Career

Interested in starting a career in the cybersecurity consulting world? This article provides a brief introduction for young professionals diving headfirst into modern cybersecurity consulting.

Getting into cybersecurity can sometimes seem overwhelming. There is a plethora of technical topics to learn, and the technology is always evolving. The good news is there are plenty of ways to make the transition into cybersecurity consulting easier.  Here are five tips from two of current cybersecurity team interns on starting your journey.

1. Learn Linux

Linux is used frequently in cybersecurity consulting, so exploring a Linux distribution and getting comfortable with the commands and system layout will be immensely beneficial. Having even just basic knowledge of common commands and tools can go a long way in grasping new topics and feeling more comfortable when starting out in the cyber field. The wide variety of free Linux distributions provides easy access to begin developing skills in this important area.

2. Gain Fundamental IT Knowledge

Starting with general IT experience before entering cybersecurity consulting can be a big advantage. Familiarity with IT infrastructure, software, basic concepts, and conventions can make understanding a client’s network and picking up on unusual configurations and behaviors much more natural. For example, Active Directory (AD) acts as the backbone of traditional corporate networks, so understanding the way AD is managed and used improves a consultant’s ability to test the system and advise a client.

3. Get Practice with Common Consulting Tools

It is not necessary to be an expert with every tool used in cybersecurity consulting, but having a little background on some different tools will ease your transition into the field. Virtual machines (VM) are used for many cybersecurity consulting activities, so knowing how to set them up and being comfortable with working simultaneously on a VM and the host computer makes the beginning of the job go more smoothly. While directions for what tools to use and how to run them may be provided, experience with common tools, like Nmap, Wireshark, or Burp Suite, increases efficiency and makes troubleshooting issues easier.

4. Use Your Resources

There is always more to learn and fortunately, a variety of resources exist to support knowledge transfer to up-and-coming cyber professionals. Certifications not only provide a way to gain knowledge and skills but also to prove core competencies. Courses and test prep books provide specific and practical information to ensure that certified individuals are knowledgeable and capable in the area of the certification. Educational programs are another great way to prepare for cybersecurity consulting. Degree programs are expanding and improving to provide students with more hands-on experience and give them the knowledge they need for the industry. Professional organizations, like ISACA, and community resources also provide learning opportunities through conferences and other networking events.

Less formally, there are many instructional books, YouTube channels, twitter feeds and websites, like LinkedIn Learning, to support learning new skills. Podcasts, email lists, and websites, like Ars Technica, can also be beneficial for staying in the loop on current cybersecurity topics. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter: Focus on Cybersecurity for the latest cyber tips and news!

5. Embrace Your Role

Especially in a new position, network with people and listen to their experience and advice. Introducing yourself to others and getting to know your teammates will create a more comfortable environment for working and learning. Your teammates are there to support you, so always ask questions about anything you need help with. The sooner your questions are answered, the faster you will settle into your new role.

Everyone should take their own path into the world of cybersecurity consulting, but in our experience, these five tips can go a long way in preparing someone for this exciting field.

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About Schneider Downs Cybersecurity

The Schneider Downs cybersecurity practice consists of experts offering a comprehensive set of information technology security services, including penetration testing, intrusion prevention/detection review, ransomware security, vulnerability assessments and a robust digital forensics and incident response team. For more information, visit or contact the team at [email protected].

In addition, our Digital Forensics and Incident Response teams are available 24x7x365 at 1-800-993-8937 if you suspect or are experiencing a network incident of any kind.

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