Accounting Internship Experience | Pittsburgh CPA Firm Jobs

When I was first contacted by Schneider Downs about an interview for an internship opportunity I was eager and excited because I had always wanted to intern at the firm’s Columbus office. I had learned about Schneider Downs in my accounting classes and was familiar with the prestige that encompassed one of the largest accounting firms in Columbus, Ohio. From the moment I started my interview, Schneider Downs felt like home to me. I could see the passion that each employee held for the company, which to me spoke volumes. I was thrilled when Schneider Downs offered me a spot as an Audit Intern for the summer of 2020.

As the internship neared, COVID-19 grew stronger and I began to worry that the internship that I had been looking forward to for over a year would get cancelled. Schneider Down’s assured me that even if the internship had to be completely virtual, it would not get cancelled. When I got confirmation that the internship would be entirely online, I was nervous as to how I would still be able to meet other employees of the firm and get a real internship experience. I can’t say enough about how impressed I am with how Schneider Downs handled our entire internship during the adversity that struck the world. I got to meet many different employees throughout the company in different departments, sit in on client calls and network while being virtual. Everyone was willing to go above and beyond to answer questions and arrange meetings to introduce me to employees of the firm. I think this really shows how passionate the employees are at Schneider Downs when it comes to helping the firm succeed and the commitment that each employee has to helping their colleagues strive to be the best.

The thing I loved the most about this internship was the team environment that surrounds the Audit Department. I have been a student-athlete my whole life and I understand how important it is to work as a team towards a common goal. Teammates are meant to push you, and help you learn and grow, which I have learned is very important to Schneider Downs and the development of their employees.

After a summer full of learning about the public accounting industry, I couldn’t be more confident with the career path that I chose and the company I chose to intern with this summer. The employees of Schneider Downs really helped form my passion for the public accounting profession during my seven week internship. Their commitment to helping us succeed was prevalent from the day we started our internship.  I can’t thank Schneider Downs enough for the best internship experience I have had thus far.

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