Quick, Uninstall Apple's QuickTime!

According to Trend Micro, Apple’s QuickTime for Microsoft Windows is being completely removed from their support life cycle and will no longer provide patches to the software.  Every piece of software has a shelf life and QuickTime for Windows has finally reached its expiration. Patching of software is a critical step in making sure that the software is free from nasty vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Once support stops, there is no telling what vulnerabilities may have been left unpatched.

Windows users who have QuickTime installed should take action and uninstall the software immediately, warns Department of Homeland Security‘s U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT). This is especially critical to note because the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI), a program founded that rewards security researchers for finding and disclosing vulnerabilities, has recently identified two new vulnerabilities that can allow a hacker to remote compromise Windows computers.  That means there are at least two known vulnerabilities that are public knowledge that we know will never be fixed.

The solution action from US-CERT reads as follows:

“Computers running QuickTime for Windows will continue to work after support ends. However, using unsupported software may increase the risks from viruses and other security threats. Potential negative consequences include loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data, as well as damage to system resources or business assets. The only mitigation available is to uninstall QuickTime for Windows. Users can find instructions for uninstalling QuickTime for Windows on the Apple Uninstall QuickTime page.”

Directions to uninstall QuickTime for Windows can be found here.

Schneider Downs has a team of cybersecurity and technology experts who have the experience to advise you on these and other like matters, and are standing by to assist. Contact us for more information and visit the Our Thoughts On blog for articles on related topics. 

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