Wawa Breach Update – Joker’s Stash Data Dump

(This is a follow up to our initial article on the Wawa data breach.)

Wawa may have thought they were out of the woods with regard to the cyber-incident discovered back in December, but intelligence firm Gemini Advisory has discovered a customer data dump that says otherwise.

On January 27, two team members at Gemini Advisory – Stas Alforov  and Christopher Thomas – noticed a credit card data dump on the Joker’s Stash website dubbed “BIGBADABOOM-III” that’s likely to be associated with Wawa. As info, Joker’s Stash uses the media coverage of major breaches like which occurred at Target, Home Depot and Equifax to bolster the credibility of its shop and its position as the most notorious vendor of compromised payment cards. Data included in this dump identifies customer credit card numbers, expiration dates, cardholder names and state/geolocation information. At the time of Gemini Advisory’s discovery, only 100,000 records were present on the site, but the number is likely to rise significantly since upwards of 30 million sets of payment records were breached at Wawa.

The Joker’s Stash data dump discovery prompted a press release from Wawa explaining that the firm’s payment processor, affected card brands and card issuers have all been alerted to heighten fraud monitoring. Additionally, Wawa also provided insight that, “no user PINs or CVV numbers were taken as part of this breach.”

With the discovery of the Joker Stash dump and the resulting Press Release from Wawa, Schneider Downs continues to encourage customers who frequent Wawa locations to monitor cards and bank statements on a weekly basis. We also urge all companies and corporations to heavily consider the negative PR aspects associated with major cyber data breaches, since breach notifications, press releases and quick responses can mean the difference between a total business catastrophe and just a speed bump in overall operations.

Learn more about the Schneider Downs cybersecurity team and services at www.schneiderdowns.com/cybersecurity.



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