Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 1001 - 1010 of 1913

Update: Tax Change to Receiving Advance Payments

It’s doubtful that Bret Michaels was exhibiting any sort of clairvoyant talent and was actually referring to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the

Income Share Agreements - The next step in higher education affordability?

The student loan crisis has become a serious concern nationally, and numerous institutions of higher education are looking into alternative funding for

Cybersecurity and nonprofits: Time to button up!

If you were to look up the biggest data breaches over the last 10 years, you would find a gathering of some of the largest companies in the world, many

When to Buy New Electronics? Now!

Every day we use products bearing the label “Made in China”, a mark that has become synonymous with the affordable mass production of countless
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Final Regulations on Charitable Contributions When a State or Local Tax Credit is Received

The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service have issued the final regulations regarding charitable contributions for donors also receiving

IASB Proposes Annual Improvements for 2019

On May 21st, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) proposed four amendments for this year’s improvement consideration of the International

New Standard Mileage Rates for 2019

In December 2018, Washington D.C. embraced the Holiday spirit with a federal tax update, resulting in an increase to standard mileage rates and presumably

Cybersecurity & Employee Benefit Plans

The threat of a cyberattack is prevalent throughout the business world. Given the highly sensitive data held within employee benefit plans, it should come
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Form 990-T Fiscal Year 2017 Corporate Filers Blended Tax Rate

Just in case you hadn’t already heard enough about the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), here is some beneficial information for corporations calculating

Make Europe Great Again

The day after the EU Parliamentary election in May 2019, I opened my newspaper in a café in Copenhagen and read the Berlingske Tidende’s morning
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