Our Thoughts On Archive

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Articles 981 - 990 of 1913

#1 Mobile App Garners Concerns Over Data Privacy

If you haven't already downloaded FaceApp, you have probably either heard of it or witnessed your Facebook turn from an office party to a nursing home

Can RPAs Help Higher Education?

Higher education remains one of the most heavily regulated areas of commerce. As a result, the volume of administrative burden can be significant, and

Mandatory E-Filing of Nonprofit Tax Returns

On July 1, 2019, President Trump signed the Taxpayer First Act (Act), which requires all tax-exempt organizations to electronically file IRS Forms 990,

New Wayfair Economic Nexus Provisions Go Into Effect July 1, 2019

July 1, 2019 marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for most states and introduces some new Wayfair economic nexus rules for remote sellers and marketplace
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Tax Credits for Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles

Eco-friendly electric vehicles have received another boost in popularity after the federal government introduced tax credits for individuals and businesses

The Privacy of Consumer Banking Data and the Financial Data Exchange

As cyber threats and global regulations continue to intensify, the privacy and protection of consumer banking data remains a high priority of the financial

ACFE releases Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report

With the advancement of technology over the years, the avenues for fraud perpetration, protection and detection have multiplied. In an effort to gain a

A Valuation of Innovation

There is a lot going on at Schneider Downs these days! Service offerings are expanding, our geographic footprint is growing, and new talent continues to
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2019-2020 Pennsylvania Budget

Governor Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania legislature finalized the state budget before the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2019. The budget does

Is Your Nonprofit Organization at Risk of Falling Into the Starvation Cycle?

In 2009, Ann Goggins Gregory and Don Howard published an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review that changed the way nonprofit organizations
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