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Tax Reform

Articles 151 - 160 of 161

The Border Adjustment Tax is Out of the Tax Reform Plan

A hot topic at the National Auto Dealers Association Convention back in January was the Border Adjustment Tax (“BAT”). Auto dealers can be

Will Tax Cuts for Brewers and Distillers Be Part of Tax Reform?

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is looking to reduce the tax burden on small and large brewers and distilleries. They have introduced the Craft Beverage

The "Big Six's" Joint Statement on Tax Reform

A group of ranking members of both the legislative and executive branches recently issued a statement listing their goals for unified tax reform. The "Big

Tax Reform and the Repatriation of Foreign Earnings

It seems that tax reform is unceasing; every election cycle brings calls for “fairness” by supporters of all political parties with the definition
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When Giving to Your Alma Mater: All Donations May Soon Not Be Treated Equally

For several months now, we have been following Congress’ efforts to address the rising costs of higher education and its recent focus on endowments
Tax Reform
Ryan Broze | 4.27.2017

The Trump Administration Reveals its Fundamental Principles for Tax Reform

In the White House’s briefing on April 26, it was made clear that tax reform is all about creating more jobs and growing the economy. The details

Questions Remain on the Trump Administration's Infrastructure Plans

During the campaign, President Trump routinely touted the $1 trillion infrastructure spending plan that would create millions of jobs. As policies begin

The Border Adjustment Tax

Last summer, House GOP members released their blueprint on tax reform, "A Better Way, Our Vision for a Confident America." The GOP members stated
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In a Contentious Election Year, Tax Reform and Regulations Cited as Important Factors in 2016 Manufacturers' Economic Survey

Tax reform, environmental laws and other government regulations were cited among the factors most likely to impact manufacturers in the coming year, according

2017 Infrastructure Plan - What Can the Construction Industry Expect?

Following the 2016 election results, many construction industry company executives were trying to remember President Trump’s campaign promises related
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