Our Thoughts On

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Articles 2081 - 2090 of 2836

RETIREMENT ACCOUNT LOANS--Should you use them?

The list is long--kids in college, a move to a newer house or a remodel of the current one, family members to support, and vacations to be taken before

Postcard from the 2017 PICPA Not-for-Profit Conference

I, along with Shane Gastecki, Schneider Downs Audit Manager, and approximately 130 other accounting professionals, recently attended the PICPA’s
Todd Lucas | 6.13.2017

Pennsylvania and Ohio: Rust Belt or Green Belt?

Are the days of Pennsylvania and Ohio being the center of the Rust Belt gone? Well, maybe at least in terms of leading the way in green construction. Early

Key Fraud Considerations for Volunteer-led Organizations

Fraud has the potential to affect every business or organization. However, the risk of fraud within volunteer-led organizations is often overlooked. Volunteer-led
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Donna Wolfson | 6.13.2017

SCOTUS: Church-Affiliated Plans are Exempt from ERISA

On June 5, 2017, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that religiously affiliated non-profit plans are exempt from ERISA even if the church did not originally

The OMB (Finally) Releases Draft 2017 Compliance Supplement

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) finally released draft copies of the 2017 compliance supplement to the American Institute of Certified Public

New Changes to the Premium Amortization Period on Callable Debt Securities

The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued guidance targeting the treatment of premiums for callable debt securities; however, the treatment of discounts

Bitcoin Technology Making Inroads in the Financial Industry via Blockchain

The meteoric rise of Bitcoin value over the past few months has garnered a lot of interest in the cryptocurrency. However, another aspect of the underlying
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Community College Students Challenged by Loss of FAFSA Tool

Applying for financial aid can be a stressful and cumbersome process for students. One of the most challenging, but necessary, pieces of the process has

Roth 401(k) Trivia: What You May Not Know

401(k) plans have been around since 1981; however, the conception for the establishment of such plans was included in the Revenue Act of 1978 whereby Congress
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