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Wealth Management

Articles 51 - 60 of 138

Financial Boot Camp Series: Getting your Digital Ducks in Order

Getting your Digital Ducks in Order Nancy L. Skeans, CPA, CFP® CEO, Schneider Downs Wealth Management Advisors What are your digital ducks, you ask?

IRS Notice 2020-52 Makes Midyear Change To Safe Harbor Plans

On June 29, the IRS issued Notice 2020-52, offering welcome relief for plan sponsors that find themselves in a difficult financial situation as a result

Financial Boot Camp Series: Is Your Estate in Proper Order?

Estate planning is the process of identifying one’s assets and providing clear instruction for who receives what assets, when they receive it, and

Fiduciaries and Excessive Fee Litigation

As a retirement plan fiduciary, it’s your responsibility to ensure that fees associated with your plan are reasonable relative to the services rendered.
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Volatility is Back … and It is Here to Stay

Better understand the current state of equity markets including S&P 500 due to the COVID-19 shutdowns across the country.

COVID-19 Economic Impact Data

Learn more about the economic impact that COVID-19 has had on businesses across the United States.

Can Budgeting Really Lead to A Happier Life

Learn how to better achieve financial awareness and better monthly budgeting leading to increased levels of happiness.

Introducing the Schneider Downs Retirement Solutions Resource Center

As the Schneider Downs Retirement Solutions practice has continued to grow in service offerings and expertise, so has our depth of resources for plan
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IRS Provides Temporary Signature Relief For Retirement Plan Elections

By Donna Wolfson, Schneider Downs Retirement Solutions Recognizing the difficulty of meeting a “physical presence” requirement during the COVID-19

Department of Labor Finalizes Electronic Disclosure Rules

Following up on their proposed regulations from October 2019, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) on May 21, 2020 issued final regulations regarding the
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