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Internal Revenue Service

Articles 51 - 60 of 143

New Standard Mileage Rates for 2019

In December 2018, Washington D.C. embraced the Holiday spirit with a federal tax update, resulting in an increase to standard mileage rates and presumably

To Have and to Hold…and to File Jointly

April showers bring May flowers, and those flowers are used in the thousands of spring weddings held across the country each year. Every ceremony hallmarks

Part One of a Series: An Introduction to IRS Publication 1075

What is IRS Publication 1075? IRS Publication 1075, commonly referred to as, “Pub 1075,” lays out the guiding principles for the protection

What Happens if Your Tax Return is Lost in the Mail?

Imagine this scenario: the calendar says it’s April 15th, and you realize that you can’t avoid filing your federal tax returns any longer.
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Good News Regarding Excess Business Losses For Your Pass-Through Construction Business

If you own a construction business, you know all too well that one or more bad contracts can make or break the financial results for the year. If you were

Transfer Pricing: A Reporting Requirement for Multinational Corporations

It should come as no surprise that large companies often create affiliate and/or subsidiary companies to carry out various parts of their operations across

Relief from addition to tax for underpayment of estimated income tax for tax-exempt organizations that provide Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits

As a result of the changes made to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) sections 274 and 512 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, tax-exempt organizations must

IRS Guidance on Parking Expenses for Qualified Transportation Fringes Provides Opportunities for Exempt Organizations

The IRS has released Notice 2018-99, which provides interim guidance to tax-exempt organizations as to how unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) is
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IRS Releases Official Inflation-Adjusted Tax Figures for 2019

On November 15, 2018, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2018-57, which details the official inflation-adjusted tax rate schedules and other tax figures

IRS Raises the Estate and Gift Tax Exemption for 2019

Property included in an individual’s estate at the time of death is subject to a tax by the federal government. There is, however, an exemption available
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