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Higher Education

Articles 81 - 90 of 233

Current and Forecasted Conditions Play Havoc with Higher Ed Revenue Growth

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of high school graduates in the Northeast and Midwest is projected to decrease between

Composite Financial Index

A widely used metric across the Higher Education industry is the Composite Financial Index, also known as the CFI. The CFI is intended to assist institutions

403(b) Universal Availability Requirements under Scrutiny by IRS

A qualified 403(b) plan must satisfy the universal availability requirement with respect to elective deferrals. That means that all employees of the employer

Students’ Data Exposed by Pearson Hack

In the same week that Capital One disclosed a data breach that affected more than 100 million individuals, London-based Pearson PLC announced a warning
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Can RPAs Help Higher Education?

Higher education remains one of the most heavily regulated areas of commerce. As a result, the volume of administrative burden can be significant, and

Due to Feedback, IRS is Brainstorming Other Ways to Calculate the Tax on Parking

On December 10, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released interim guidance on the taxation of qualified transportation fringe benefits in the form

2019 Compliance Supplement

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has continued its overhaul of the 2019 Compliance Supplement, and after a significant delay, the final document

Possible Tax Ramifications of Robert F. Smith’s Student Loan Payoff

Billionaire Robert F. Smith, the founder, chairman and CEO of a private equity firm Vista Equity Partners, promised to pay off the school loans of the
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Exempt private schools offered new option to display nondiscriminatory policy

As of May 28, 2019, private schools exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code will now be able to display their racial nondiscrimination

Income Share Agreements - The next step in higher education affordability?

The student loan crisis has become a serious concern nationally, and numerous institutions of higher education are looking into alternative funding for
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