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Articles 971 - 980 of 1913

The Stages of Wealth

This article was originally published in Wedgewood Life magazine and is reprinted with their permission. Although everyone’s situation is different,

Students’ Data Exposed by Pearson Hack

In the same week that Capital One disclosed a data breach that affected more than 100 million individuals, London-based Pearson PLC announced a warning

The IRS turns its focus to cryptocurrency

On July 26, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Internal Revenue Service has mailed letters to over 10,000 cryptocurrency holders warning that those

Dear Diary Innovation Series, Post #2

This is the second post in a series on innovation. To see the first post in the series, follow this link: A Valuation of Innovation. Innovation can increase
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A Valuation Analyst’s Work is More Than Just “BS” (Balance Sheet)

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) were developed with the purpose of benefiting the various stakeholders of a business (e.g.,

Capital One Data Breach Exposes 100 Million Records to Seattle Hacker

Barely a week after the Equifax data breach was settled for nearly $650 million dollars, there appears to be news of an almost equally large mega-breach
State and Local Tax
| 7.29.2019

Ohio’s Budget Bill and Sales Tax Changes

The state of Ohio recently passed its budget bill on July 18th, which contains several sales tax changes, including new provisions for economic nexus.

Delay in New FASB Standard Will Impact Financial Services

As we reported earlier, on July 17 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) voted unanimously to move forward with delaying the effective start
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Freight Exception from Business Privilege Tax

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of S&H Transport, Inc. in its business privilege tax (BPT) dispute with the City of York over

Kress Case Addresses S Corporation vs. C Corporation Issues

The United States District Court’s March 2019 court decision in Kress v. United States1 created a lot of buzz in the valuation community. The case
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