A Once in a Lifetime Experience

When first applying for an internship at Schneider Downs, I had an image of what I believed this summer experience would be like, but I never could have imagined the experience I got. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Schneider Downs had to work remotely for the protection of their employees and clients. I was nervous, of course, that they would have to postpone or cancel the internship, especially knowing that so many other companies had needed to do that for lack of resources or any number of things. However, Schneider Downs exceeded my expectations by continuing with their internship program and allowing their interns to be a part of what their firm was experiencing. Honestly, although I did not get to work in the office and meet these people face to face, I did not feel like I was missing out. I decided to intern in the audit department at Schneider Downs because auditing had piqued my interest in college, and SD seemed to have a family-like atmosphere that came with a good balance of fun and hard work that would allow me to learn a lot. I am very fortunate that this atmosphere did not go away, even with the remote environment.

Everyone at Schneider Downs was very responsive and helpful. They were quick to answer any questions that I had and made sure that I stayed busy throughout the weeks, giving me a wide range of experiences. SD encouraged the interns to ask questions and get everything we could out of this experience. My first couple of weeks, I would have long calls with audit seniors and staff to learn how to work through different workpapers and tests. I found it easier to compile a list of questions and get them all answered at once instead of asking one question at a time, because you could never be sure if wifi would be working or if the senior or staff member had the extra time to stop what they were doing and help. When they could, they would go through, step by step, what needed to happen and would explain why I was doing it. That second part was the most important to me, because I like to understand the purpose behind what I am doing in order to get the bigger picture, which helps me to remember how to do things long-term. The engagement teams that I worked with would always make me feel like I was a part of the team and made sure that I was comfortable asking the questions that I had.

 Schneider Downs had the technology to be able to include each of us in the social aspects of their firm as well. I was invited to virtual meetings simply to meet and catch up with many different people at the firm. Occasionally during lunch, SD would host games that teams, composed of people throughout the firm in both the Columbus and Pittsburgh offices, would participate in. The teams were competitive and everyone seemed to have a fun time interacting with old friends and meeting new ones. I met so many people despite sitting in my home. Needless to say, interning in a remote environment had its ups and downs, but SD was attentive, inclusive, and provided a great space for learning and growth. I had a wonderful experience as an audit intern at Schneider Downs.

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My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
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Impacting Through Interning
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