A Remote Audit Experience

During my time at college, I always asked myself, “When am I actually going to be able to apply what I am learning to real life scenarios?”

After taking my first auditing class, I knew it was time to apply what I was learning to the real world.  Schneider Downs has done exactly that throughout my intern experience so far. 

I began my interview process with Schneider Downs right before the start of my junior year, and ever since I have enjoyed every interaction with the firm.  After receiving my internship offer, we had monthly check-ins to talk about certain accounting topics and to see how the future interns were doing.  Throughout the process of joining the firm, everyone was extremely welcoming and kind.

When I found out that my internship was going to be remote, I had mixed emotions on what to expect during my time with the firm as I had never experienced a fully remote work environment.  Schneider Downs made sure we were well prepared by providing certain pieces of technology equipment like computers and laptops to make sure our experience went smoothly.  So far, the remote experience has exceeded my expectations and everyone in the firm has made working remotely incredibly enjoyable.  People are always available to help and answer any questions I may have. 

The best part of my internship experience has been the work I am doing and the people I am working with.  Schneider Downs does not expect its interns to perform administrative work, but rather the same work staff and seniors are doing.  No matter what, every engagement I have been on has had a helpful team that was always available.  From daily meetings to quick Microsoft Teams calls, there was always someone there to answer questions. 

Schneider Downs has done an amazing job at exposing me to real work experience in a public accounting firm.  The internship has been amazing from the actual work I am doing to being on client calls and interacting with the client.  The most impressive element of this experience is that Schneider Downs was able to give me the best work experience ever while being remote. 

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