Accountant... You can do my taxes, right?

When it was time to make decisions about career paths and college choices, I knew I wanted to immerse myself in the business world. I wanted to be involved in the fast-paced work life in the city, work with new people, and learn the business game. At Miami University, I applied to become an accounting major without fully knowing where I wanted to go from there. Friends and family members told me an accounting major would be a good foundation for a career in the business world, and now that I’ve had a firsthand look into public accounting, I know that was good advice.

Like many college students, I was not really sure of my plans for the years following graduation. Guest speakers had visited our classes to talk about the benefits of getting involved in leadership programs to learn about the profession, and to use these experiences as a stepping stone for an internship. It sounds cliché to talk about how the leadership programs are really eye-opening, but those visiting speakers were right; the leadership events are the best way to get into the office and see what each company is like from the inside. The goal of any job search is to find a good fit for both employee and employer, the most common method for this being an interview. A leadership program goes beyond a quick meeting and really benefits both parties. Having dedicated a summer to leadership programs, I can honestly say that this is a great way to explore the culture at various firms to find a place where the colleagues and clients are in line with your expectations, and vice versa. I really enjoyed myself at Schneider Downs’ program, and after various interviews, happily accepted an internship offer. Having gone through the process, I can see their value and understand why colleges and firms are using these leadership initiatives as a critical part of the hiring process.

My internship with Schneider Downs has exceeded my expectations by providing a great opportunity to actually experience the business world. With only a few weeks left, I find myself doing work and interacting with clients in a way I would never have imagined while sitting in my classes this past school year. The most interesting thing that I wasn’t expecting was how fast paced this field really is. Not in a bad way like there is too much to deal with, just that there is always something new. With countless types of audits and industries, and many different teams and clients, there are always opportunities to increase responsibility and learn. Some people have warned me that this field would be rigorous and boring, but my experience in this internship has led me to a different conclusion. The combination of changing audits, coworkers, and clients makes for a job that seems anything but redundant. As an intern, after the first week of training, I spent four straight weeks in the field getting to experience this first hand. There is no better way to learn than from experience, and for this I am grateful. But, eager as I am to progress into work life, I hope to make the best of my senior year and build upon these experiences as well.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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My Greatest Job Yet!
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