An Exposure to Auditing

It only took a few weeks of my first accounting class at Robert Morris University for me to know that accounting was the career path I wanted to follow. Since I decided to major in accounting, I’ve been reminded countless times about the value of internships, especially those in public accounting. I began looking for an audit internship during the fall of my junior year. After interviewing with a few firms, I knew that Schneider Downs would be my first choice. I waited eagerly to hear from them. The phone call eventually came, and I was set to start my internship the following summer.

After a few days of orientation programs, I found myself at a client’s office. Within the first 15 minutes, I was discussing the company’s accounting policies with their controller. By noon, I was eating lunch one-on-one with the owner of the company. I knew an internship with Schneider Downs would challenge me, but I didn’t think I’d get so much responsibility, and so much face time with key people, so quickly. That was just my first day in the field. Schneider Downs has continued to challenge me throughout my internship. I was able to complete tasks that staff accountants typically handle. In fact, some of my engagements only included a senior accountant and me for the fieldwork. On those jobs, I was able to do the work that would have normally been assigned to a staff accountant.

Each of my assignments has been different. I’ve worked on some interesting and unique clients – from family-owned businesses to nonprofits to multinational corporations. My engagements have been varied, and included financial statement audits, as well as audits of employee benefit plans. Each team I worked with was made up of different people, but they were all the same in that everyone I worked with was incredibly helpful and friendly. Everyone I’ve worked with has been eager to answer my questions not only about the work I’m doing, but also the firm, and the profession as a whole.

As I look back on the experience I’ve had this summer, I’m beginning to grasp what everyone meant when they told me how important this internship would be. I’ve learned so much in a short period of time, and I’ve met some really great people. My internship at Schneider Downs has been more than I thought it could be. It will allow me to go into my senior year at RMU with a new perspective. The experience as a whole has made me even more excited to see what lies beyond graduation next spring.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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