Behind All of the Accounting

When I heard the name Schneider Downs, all that came to mind was accounting. Little did I know that behind this company name lies so much more. Going to school for Management Information Systems, I could never quite pinpoint specifically which path I would take within the IT realm. This made my search for internships a challenge. So naturally, I attempted to apply to numerous companies, covering just about every aspect of IT.

When I received the opportunity to interview with Schneider Downs, I was extremely nervous, as any college senior would be. But I quickly relaxed when my interview wasn’t like your typical, dry question/answer interview. The three employees who interviewed me made me feel extremely comfortable. They emphasized that this firm is tight-knit and that everyone looks out for one another. Hearing that definitely caught my attention, since this would be the first job opportunity for me utilizing what I’ve learned from my degree. As soon as I left the interview, I knew that this would be the internship that I wouldn’t hesitate to accept if an offer was given to me. Six weeks into my internship now, I’ve come to see all of this first-hand. Each co-worker helps out whenever possible, and even though I’m an intern, everyone makes me feel like my work is truly valued. I attended the Summer Leadership Program, where members of HR stressed how family really is a top priority for this company. You can’t find that many places, which is just one thing among many that has really opened my eyes to the positive type of work environment that Schneider Downs provides for every employee, no matter their level or position.

My first week was nerve-racking, as you can imagine. I look at myself as just a college senior trying to finish her last semester of college and the pressure building up to find out what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. This company is helping me open doors and opportunities in the path to my future.

My summer internship here is with the Internal Computer Support department, better known as ICS. ICS supports all of the other departments within Schneider Downs, whether it’s setting up equipment for meetings, troubleshooting software, hardware, or other computer related issues. Each member of this team brings a unique and valuable perspective to the workplace. Although it’s not easy to let someone come into your everyday ‘grind’ and teach them a little bit of what you know and how to do it, every single member of this department, from the top down, has been extremely patient and understanding towards me. They understand that I’m not going to pick up each and every step or ‘how-to’ demonstration the first time they teach me it, or in some cases even the second time around. That understanding feeling that they share with me is only going to benefit me in the long run. It pushes me to be more confident in performing tasks on my own. The work that I’m doing ranges in difficulty and type, but this team allows me to attempt almost anything that I think I can accomplish on my own.

The work environment here is welcoming and actually allows you to look forward to the work week ahead. I am truly thankful for this opportunity that Schneider Downs has given me. Over this short six-week period, I have already learned more than I could have hoped for, and because of that, I am beyond grateful. The people, the atmosphere, and the comradery make Schneider Downs what it is: more than just an accounting firm.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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My Greatest Job Yet!
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