Bridging the GAAP

Picture this: the first week of freshman year, your professors say you need a strong resume and cover letter, or you will never have a chance getting a job at a competitive accounting firm. So you go to the career center, learn what a cover letter is, and figure out what activities to start getting involved in. The rest of freshman year, you attend all of the career fairs, learn to network, and start to feel confident in your professional skills. However, it is then that your professors drop the bomb on you: your best chance of a job offer is through an internship.

Before you have an internship, it is made out to be an intimidating, overwhelming, make-or-break experience. The reality of a Schneider Downs internship could not be more different. It was unbelievable how welcoming everyone has been throughout my time here at Schneider Downs. Our first week here, I could barely keep track of everyone who introduced themselves! Probably more than twenty people let us know that if we had any questions, they would be more than willing to help out. Additionally, some people who had previously participated in the internship program made sure to walk us through some of the smaller things that sometimes get skipped over, like which printer to use and how to enter our time.

I’m so appreciative of my time here as a Schneider Downs intern, and I cannot wait for what my future has in store. Going into this, I did not know what to expect from working at a competitive accounting firm, but I now know how amazing Schneider Downs is, especially for those starting out in the accounting world and looking for a good place to stay. 

Contact us regarding more information about Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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