Connections, Success, and High-Quality Accounting

Since I attend a smaller university, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to easily find high-quality internships to help move my career forward.  I always had a goal of getting an internship at a well-established firm in the Pittsburgh area, and Schneider Downs provided me with that opportunity.  As an accounting major, it is crucial to have that internship experience not only to gain more knowledge about the profession, but also to network and make connections.  Schneider Downs has given me a unique opportunity, and I am very grateful for the skills I have learned during my time here.

The skills and abilities I have gained during my time at this firm have not only helped me solidify my choice of being an accountant, but also have helped me to increase my knowledge of the tax industry.  So often, students look for internships for monetary or resume reasons.  While these are important aspects, I think one of the more important reasons is making connections with people in the firm and the industry.  Schneider Downs has given me the ability to connect and network with some of the most knowledgeable professionals, who have been able to guide and help me throughout my internship experience.

I look forward to continuing my work and finishing out my internship at Schneider Downs.  The assets and tools the firm has provided me are top notch and will benefit me not only in my future career, but also during my last year of schooling.  I have made connections here that would not be possible at another firm, and I am thankful to all those who have guided me throughout the internship.

Contact us for more information regarding Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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My Greatest Job Yet!
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Impacting Through Interning
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