Corporate Happened

Having watched quite a few sitcoms set in an office environment, I had some conception of what awaited me when I arrived at Schneider Downs. Obviously, my conception was a little skewed: television is not the most representative of real life. I had felt a nervous excitement as I settled down in my cubicle on my first day at work, and I had vigorously tried to predict what would come my way.

Even just within my first few days at Schneider Downs, I began to learn how tight-knit the Schneider Downs culture was. It was a culture that encouraged me to readily approach any of my Corporate Finance seniors, whether it was simply for light conversation or to ask them a question that had stumped me for a while. It is a wonderful experience to be able to learn and grow in the supportive and encouraging work culture at Schneider Downs.

In addition to the general atmosphere at Schneider Downs, I also feel very fortunate to participate in an internship that allows me to become a part of many different projects at once. My supervisors have told me that I am very lucky for coming in during a busy summer, and every day I try to make sure that I do not put this luck to waste. When my supervisors instruct me to complete different tasks, I attempt to truly understand how those assigned tasks fit into the larger projects, and when I do make some connections, I begin to truly comprehend how intricate business deals can be.

Because I have continuously been learning and growing during my time here at Schneider Downs, I have never once felt restless or out of place. Every single day, I receive the opportunity to enjoy interesting tasks, and when I take breaks away from my cubicle, it is never hard to strike up a conversation with a passing Schneider Downs employee. Thus far, I have not only learned about new financial terms or about how to research market sectors for potential business deals, but I have also been given a chance to experience what it feels like to be part of a corporate family.

Before the recent academic year ended, I had semi-jokingly told my classmates that if I came back the following school year with a haggard face, then I had become a shadow because Corporate had happened. I had expected some days to be a little less than what I would have preferred, but instead I found every single day filled with unforgettable education and engaging tasks. Corporate did happen, and it happened in a way that was and is still more than I could ever ask for: from my single cubicle, I had it all. Mentors to teach me. Projects to dive into. Days to adventure through.

Peter Huang explains his internship experience with Schneider Downs Corporate Finance LP.

Read more about Schneider Downs Corporate Finance LP and learn about our internship opportunities in Pittsburgh and other cities here.

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