Creating Great Customer Experiences

Most research indicates that happy customers are more likely to remain loyal, so it follows to reason that the happier you are with a brand, the longer you’ll stay with it.  Research also indicates that approximately 60% of customers are usually willing to pay more for a product or service in exchange for a better customer experience. 

Take me for instance.  I’m fortunate enough to live in an area that offers a plethora of choices to shop in the home goods arena.  However, I tend to patronize the same store over and over again, rarely even considering that I may be able to find the same or similar product for less money.  Why?  Because I like the customer experience I receive when I go there. 

This establishment is always well staffed, with both knowledgeable and very pleasant people.  They will offer suggestions and helpful advice.  They always make me feel that I’m a valued customer.  Even though they are selling widgets, I receive more than a product—I receive service.  This store, through its consistent practice of providing good customer experiences, has converted me into a brand-loyal client. 

In a professional services market, delivering stellar client service, sharing information, and caring about their customer’s long-term business goals and objectives will positively impact converting customers, who may have come to you for just one need or one project, into long-term clients.  Professional services firms know they are not in the business to sell—but to serve.

Regardless of the business you’re in, your aspiration should be that you, your co-workers, and all your employees focus not on selling but on “serving” your customers to create great customer experiences each time you do business.  Doing so will keep customers happy, build brand loyalty and maintain your client base for years to come.

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