More Than a Marketing Internship

One of the key experiences recommended during your undergraduate career is completing an internship.  However, after my summer at Schneider Downs & Co. I understand now that an internship is more than just checking off a step on a carefully curated list to success. 

This summer I had the amazing opportunity to work for Schneider Downs and its marketing team.  When I first accepted this position, I was unsure of what this internship would hold.  Working in a fully remote environment was not something I was unfamiliar with, but the bigger question I had was what my days would look like working in marketing for an accounting firm.  I entered this position with cautious enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn.  To say the Schneider Downs marketing team was a pleasure to work with would be a massive understatement; I have learned so much from this team of professionals in just three months of working for the firm and will carry the skills and knowledge that were presented to me during this internship with me for the rest of my career.

There is a lot to be said for working with a smaller firm.  For one, the internship experience in general is more close-knit and personal.  I was able to meet with all of my team members one-on-one (although be it over Microsoft Teams) and form personal connections with everyone.  Secondly, you get more of a customized experience where you know everyone on your team and everyone knows you.  I especially enjoyed working in the marketing department because they are such a friendly group of individuals that instantly made me feel welcome and created a productive space for creativity. 

Throughout my time with the marketing team, I have been able to use skills I learned in a classroom setting in a real-world environment and was able to get my feet wet in the world of social media and digital marketing.  I was always given a variety of projects to keep busy and was able to create my own HR-marketing campaign around sharing other interns’ experiences with Schneider Downs to be posted on our website and social media platforms.

This internship has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had in my professional career thus far, and I will greatly miss all of my team members and the company atmosphere of Schneider Downs.  As I move forward with my professional career, I will always be incredibly thankful for the three months I spent interning at Schneider Downs.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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