Culture shapes Perception

When I made the decision to study abroad for the fall semester of my junior year, I was excited. I quickly came to realize though that I would be missing the interview time frame for the following summer’s internships. In the beginning of August, I reached out to a few accounting firms in the area to inquire about auditing internships. A couple of firms told me that an interview via Skype would suffice in place of an in-person interview. A few other firms scheduled a meeting before I left and then asked me to come in for a second interview upon my return in December. Schneider Downs, however, invited me into the office to interview just a few days after my inquiry. The next week I came in for my second interview, and the day following I received my offer.

This was my first interaction with Schneider Downs, and I was extremely impressed with their dedication to the recruiting and hiring process. After working at the firm for a few weeks, I can see very clearly that this dedication stems from their company values and translates directly to their appreciation of employees at all levels. I have had four internships prior to this summer and I have worked for companies ranging from small, three-employee firms to “Big 4” firms, but Schneider Downs has stood above them all.

You can learn a lot about a company through its employees. At Schneider Downs, it is not uncommon to speak to someone who has been working for the firm for more than ten years. The people here genuinely enjoy coming into work. The shareholders take the time to say hello to the interns. Although from an outside perspective, these conditions many not seem individually impressive, I have found this compilation of traits to be unique to Schneider Downs.

As for the internship itself, I have learned much more than I anticipated beyond the scope of accounting. I have learned that developing relationships with co-workers and clients is a crucial job requirement. I have learned a lot about different industries through the clients I have audited. I have learned much more about benefit packages than I ever thought that I would. I have even learned that I don’t particularly care for sushi.

Perhaps the most important lesson that I’ve learned is that all auditing jobs are generally the same but, a company’s culture can shape your perspective and determine your enjoyment of a job. As I look down the road into my future, I realize that when interviewing for a job, it is important to choose a company that gives you the opportunity to learn as much as possible and to grow as a professional, but also it is important to work for a company that you can substantially contribute back to.  This mutual growth is the key to ensuring a successful career in any sector of business.

Read more about Schneider Downs internships here

Ashley Horvath explains Schnedier Downs internship experience and hiring process.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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