Curiosity Caught My Eye

When Schneider Downs visited our building at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, I was immediately intrigued and confused at the same time.  Why would an accounting firm recruit law students into its internship program?  With this in mind, I asked my friends at Schneider Downs what they thought about the firm and their experience here.  They had an abundance of good things to say and highly recommended that I interview.  Looking back, they were so right.  The interviews went smoothly, I learned even more about Schneider Downs, and my internship started in June.

People say that the most important thing about internships is meeting new people.  In my two months at Schneider Downs, I have met many new people and every one of them has been welcoming and helpful.  Whether it is working on a project or at an after-work event, whether it is a member of the staff or a senior manager, every person has been receptive and willing to help.  In my short time here, I have confirmed that the people you work with are the single most important factor in deciding where to pursue your career.

In addition to meeting new people, I have learned many valuable lessons at Schneider Downs.  Through the tax return training program, I learned how to navigate the tax software and prepare a tax return.  Furthermore, I enhanced my research skills by researching a variety of tax topics for the Medallion group.  I would like to thank everyone who helped me learn about tax returns and all those who taught me about subjects I had yet to encounter before this summer.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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