Feels Like Home

If you had known me around the time that I was searching for internships in college, you would have assumed that I was having to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I was being a typical stressed-out, over-reactive college student who thought that the world would end if I didn’t find an internship as soon as possible, and this stress continued as I began to interview with various firms and companies. My interview for Schneider Downs was the last one to take place, and by this point I was just about as worked-up as you could possibly imagine. But from the moment I walked into the 17th floor lobby, all my stress had passed, and I knew at that moment that things were finally going to work out. For every single person who I have described my time at Schneider Downs to, I would begin by saying that from the moment I walked in the front door, I felt at home. Home may be a strong word for only beginning a short time ago, but, to me, a home is a place where I can feel comfortable, welcome growth, and am surrounded by people who are very similar to me. There hasn’t been a single person who I have encountered as Schneider Downs who has not made me feel entirely welcomed, been eager to offer me advice or support, or not been completely happy to be there.

One of the things that I am very grateful to be able to take away from my internship is the exposure to the reality of having a career. Coming from only ever holding some small summer jobs, I was not exactly sure how the transition into what I think of as the “real world,” would go. From joining the firm’s intramural soccer team, to getting lunch with co-workers and getting to know about their lives, I was able to see how Schneider Downs provided us with the opportunities to have a balanced work life and social life.  When employees come to work in the morning, it seems like the fun never ends. It is an environment that welcomes fun and conversation all the while producing a high quality of outputs, and building strong co-worker and client relationships.

Being an intern has always been a concept that I really hoped to experience, and thankfully this internship gave me more of a real world exposure rather than just scanning papers and other silly work that some interns may be stuck doing. From the beginning I really got along with my fellow interns within my class. We would get together after work for Penguins games and various other things around the city. I have found some great friends here at Schneider Downs that I will most definitely stay in touch with once the internship comes to an end. From the start we would all laugh at what stereotypical interns we were, from opening the glass doors the wrong way and bouncing off of them, to getting on the wrong elevator in the morning, getting lost in the office, or not having any clue how to print a single copy. But regardless of all of these things, there was never a moment that I felt uncomfortable asking for help or advice from anyone that I worked with from the intern level the whole way up to the top.

Schneider Downs has not only taught me the fundamentals of becoming an auditor, but it has also shown me what it is like to truly appreciate your job, clients, and coworkers. It has been a rewarding experience and I am sad to see it come to an end.

Contact us if you have questions regarding Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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