Finding My Way in a Global Pandemic

If I had been asked three years ago to describe my desired career path, I would have been answerless. 

I spent most of my high school years and even my freshman year of college clueless and frustrated with not knowing what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  Anybody who reads my transcript could see the confusion I had during my early college years due to the wide array of classes that I took.  Introductory to Childhood Education, Psychology, Sociology, Environmental Science, Sport Coaching, Survey of Economics, and the list could go on and on.  My sophomore year of college I made the switch from being an undecided major to an accounting major.  While I had some feeling of getting my life on track, I still was not 100% certain with my career path.

Bounce forward 2 years and I am now entering my senior year of college.  I had interned at an oil and gas company as an accounting intern.  I left the company still in daze and unsure if that was the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life.  At this point, I am a senior and far too late to switch career paths without drowning in student loan debt.  This past year, I applied to Schneider Downs as an Audit Intern, the interview process went well, and here I am.  Throughout my time with Schneider Downs so far, I have come to enjoy the work I am doing and to better understand the profession. 

It is extremely difficult being an intern during a global pandemic.  I wish I were getting to experience a normal day at the office and building relationships with my fellow interns.  But, with every hardship there are victories.  There was one time when I finished the workday with the biggest smile on my face.  I was given the opportunity to travel to a client and have the in-person experience.  I hopped all over the offer.  My day flew by, I never once got distracted, I built a relationship with the client, and I received the experience that I have been craving.  On that day, I felt like I belonged in the accounting profession and Schneider Downs. 

I am continuing to perform my best work with Schneider Downs given the circumstances.  I have so much thanks to give to Schneider Downs for the one-day experience of being on-site.  I can see the hard work that people are putting in to get us back into the office.  I am forever grateful for this internship with Schneider Downs and the positive impact it has had on my career path. 

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