Devoted to Finding the Perfect Match

When I envisioned the fall of my junior year at Washington and Jefferson College, I saw myself hanging out with friends and catching up with professors about everyone’s summer activities and festivities.  However, I did not plan for the journey that I was about to embark on: my internship search. Before I knew it, I was traveling to several different career fairs and information sessions, applying for internships, all while trying to figure out what firm would suit me best for success. I knew the importance of landing an internship, but I also did not want to go with just any firm; I wanted the best and devoted every free minute to finding that perfect match.

I had first heard about Schneider Downs from my accounting advisor at Washington and Jefferson. He spoke so highly about the firm, and I knew that this was some place I definitely wanted to learn more about. After exploring the website and talking to other professionals in the accounting world, I put Schneider Downs at the top of my list. When I was given the opportunity to interview on-campus, I was ecstatic.  Although, it was not until my office visit that Schneider Downs became the dream; this was the firm that I wanted to intern with. Luckily for me, I was offered a position and quickly accepted.

Before I even began working, the people of Schneider Downs made me feel so welcome, like family. The other interns and I were receiving invites to the Holiday Party, as well as the Kennywood Picnic Day. Although I was able to meet several members of the Schneider Downs family prior to the start of my internship, I was rather anxious for my first day.   My nerves were quickly washed away as I was greeted with friendly faces and welcoming words.  I soon learned that this inclusive behavior was commonplace at Schneider Downs, and continued as I traveled with engagement teams to a variety of client locations.

Each and every person whom I have had the chance to work with thus far has been so willing to teach me the ropes and patiently answer all of my questions. That being said, the amount that I have learned in these past four weeks has been incredible, and goes far beyond the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Not only do I understand the procedure of an ERISA audit plan, along with various components that make up a financial statement audit, but I also gained valuable insight of the importance of having a solid and genuine relationship with clients. I am so grateful for the hands-on experience that I was able to obtain, as well as for all of the enthusiastic and intelligent people at Schneider Downs who made my internship so positive. Schneider Downs has me all the more excited to continue to pursue a career in public accounting.

View other Schneider Downs internships in Public Accounting here

Read about Morgan Figura's internship experience in the Audit Department of Schneider Downs.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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