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Higher Ed

Articles 1 - 10 of 25

OMB Releases 2021 Compliance Supplement

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the 2021 Compliance Supplement which is issued annually to describe the compliance requirements for organizations that received funding from a variety of federal financial assistance programs.

Moody's Releases Update on Higher Education Sector

Learn more about how private colleges and universities tackled the Coronavirus pandemic and maintained consistent operating cash flow margins consistent with years prior and how federal aid to many colleges and universities helped boost performance amid the decline in fiscal 2020 operating revenues.

HEERF III is Finally Here – Why Your Institution Needs to Understand Practices to Monitor and Suppress COVID-19

Learn more about the requirements under ARP to “implement evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines.”

HEERF III is Finally Here – Some Administrative Reminders

Read more about a brief summary of the new frequently asked questions in conjunction with the student aid portion of the funds now available under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP).
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HEERF III is Finally Here – A Quick Guide to the Changes for Institutional Portion

Learn more about the FAQs regarding HEERF III specifically related to changes for institutions.

HEERF III is Finally Here – A Quick Guide to the Changes for Student Portion

Learn more about the changes regarding students under the HEERF III.

Higher Education Implications Under a Biden Administration

Learn more about the impact on Higher Education under the Biden Administration and what has been proposed within Biden’s campaign.

Department of Education Issues HEERF Clarifications to Common Questions

Learn more about the Department of Education's HEERF clarifications to common questions. - Business Advisory
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DOE Announces Changes to HEERF Guidance

Learn more about the changes in HEERF guidance issued by the DOE.

Lost Revenues under HEERF Defined

Learn more about how lost revenues are defined under HEERF. - Business Advisory Services
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