Impacts of Networking

During my time at the Ohio University College of Business, I searched for ways to become more involved in school life and interviewed to join the Ohio Women in Business (OWIB). 

OWIB’s motto is “Attract. Develop. Launch” and held weekly meetings throughout the academic year to work on professional development, interviewing skills and networking.  In spring of 2020, there was a networking opportunity to visit Pittsburgh. 

There was one stop on my list that I was the most excited for.  Schneider Downs was the first company we would visit.  Once we arrived, everyone was in awe looking at PPG Place and the beautiful skyscrapers.  During the visit we were able to tour the many levels of the office as well as hear from a panel of shareholders.  It was refreshing to hear from so many different people, especially the strong women in the workplace.  Hearing their stories was inspiring and made me hopeful for my professional future.  New staff were also able to speak on their experiences and explain how they chose Schneider Downs.  The mobility throughout Schneider Downs was impressive and there is a major emphasis on bettering each individual staff member. Specialized training, certificates, and higher education is promoted and encouraged at Schneider Downs.  

There was a discussion comparing Schneider Downs to the Big Four.  In Pittsburgh, Schneider Downs had beat out one of the Big Four in years past.  What separates Schneider Downs is their culture and how every employee is treated as a person, not a statistic.  The work-life balance of working at a major regional accounting firm appears nearly nonexistent at the Big Four, and Schneider Downs provides the balance that their employees deserve.

After the networking trip, I became determined to apply for an internship role at Schneider Downs. During my interview process I was able to speak on my experience at the Pittsburgh office and give real reason as to why I was so interested in working for the firm. Thanks to my coursework, professional development through OWIB, and my passion for Schneider Downs, I was able to receive an offer for the Summer 2021 RAS Ops internship. 

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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