My Internship Experience

As one becomes an upperclassman in college and graduation nears, the concept of finding an internship can be a daunting task. Whether it be attending a job fair or performing an interview, it is difficult enough to receive an offer let alone to find a company that feels like the right fit. When I began this process last fall, I had no idea how it would unfold or where I would end up. My initial thought was that I’d attend my university’s job fair and ultimately intern for one of the firms I spoke with there. After attending said fair, I felt I had talked to a lot of different people but failed to find a firm that really jumped out at me and seemed like the right fit. This is when Schneider Downs came into the picture. While browsing my school’s career services website, I came across an application for an on-campus interview with Schneider Downs. Having not spoken with them at the fair, I figured I’d apply and see where it takes me. The rest, as they say, is history. I had a wonderful experience at my interview and was even more blown away when visiting the offices for my second round of interviews. When they extended an offer to participate in the internship program this summer, I didn’t have to think twice about accepting.                                                                            

As my internship here at the firm winds down, it has definitely fulfilled all the expectations I had for it and then some. Just as I experienced while interviewing, everyone here at the firm is welcoming and willing to assist you in any way they can. Even when in the field at a client, I am confident that I can ask someone a question at any time, and they will be more than willing to stop whatever they’re doing to help me. This sense of comradery is embedded in the culture of Schneider Downs, and I feel very lucky to have been a part of it during my time here this summer. I will take away countless lessons from this internship, both from a technical perspective in the field of auditing and in a more general sense as I prepare to enter the workplace after graduation. As I look back now at where I was in the fall while trying to find an internship, I can honestly say that my decision to come to Schneider Downs has been reaffirmed a thousand times over.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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