My Path to Schneider Downs

How I ended up at Schneider Downs:

Back in high school and in the beginning of my college career, I was always interested in business, but was not entirely sure what area.  I eventually decided to attend Duquesne University for its strong reputation as a business school and its close proximately to downtown Pittsburgh.  Originally, I started out as a finance major, but wasn’t completely sure why.  Once our general business classes started, it was very clear which professors were most passionate about accounting and their students.  This was a major draw for me in choosing accounting and ultimately helped me decide the firm I wanted to work for during an internship. Most of my professors have worked in the public accounting world at some point in their careers, and all talked favorably about Schneider Downs.  Eventually, I added accounting as my major in addition to finance as a means to attain the 150 credit requirement to sit for the CPA exam. 

My family also has a background in accounting, particularly in the auditing field.  My father works for the state of Pennsylvania and specializes in auditing school districts. With a more personal touch to Schneider Downs, my sister works as a senior in the audit department.  Her experiences working at Schneider Downs were obviously very influential in my decision to apply and eventually accept an offer for a summer internship.  From time to time, I would get the opportunity to meet her coworkers and was very impressed at how friendly and welcoming they were.  Oftentimes, accountants receive the stereotype of being boring and having a mundane day-to-day life, but I’ve seen the exact opposite in the people at Schneider

Even before I started interning, I had a great vibe from the people whom I interacted with at Schneider Downs through networking events and presentations on campus.  People from the firm were always willing to listen and answer questions when participating at events on campus.  This vibe continued into my internship and is what seems to make Schneider Downs different – the people. I am extremely grateful to be a part of the Schneider Downs organization and could not be happier to be a part of their team.   

Read more about Schneider Downs Interns' experiences here.

Stephen Rodgers interned in the Audit Department of Pittsburgh CPA Firm, Schneider Downs.

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Impacting Through Interning
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