My Shot at Auditing

Heading into college, like most people, I was unsure of what I wanted my major to be. I knew I loved working with numbers, but I still didn’t know what I completely wanted to be my career. I had chosen Pitt-Johnstown because I was rewarded a basketball scholarship. A lot of the guys on the team were business majors, so I started as a pre-business major with the intentions of either finance or accounting, since they dealt with numbers. I quickly decided after my introductory courses to choose accounting. I enjoyed the course and I saw a bright future for myself in the accounting field.

Beginning my senior year at Pitt-Johnstown, I never would have guessed that I would be an audit intern at an accounting firm, especially one as successful as Schneider Downs. I had finished an auditing course the spring semester of my junior year, and I wasn’t a fan of the course at all. It might have been how the course was taught, but I never wanted to deal with auditing again after that course. All summer, my cousin, who is an auditor, kept telling me, “It is different when you are an actual auditor.” I was cautious to believe her at first, but after having this internship with Schneider Downs, my thoughts have definitely changed.

Not only have I enjoyed auditing over the past seven weeks, but I have enjoyed working for Schneider Downs. Each time I walk into the office, I am greeted with a “Hello” by multiple people. Being an auditor, I was often out at a client, meeting and working with people I have never met before. I was nervous at first because I knew no one and knew very little about what auditing was really all about. I quickly realized how helpful everyone at Schneider Downs is and that I had nothing to worry about. If I ever had a question, everyone was willing to lend a helping hand, even if that put them behind in their own work. I felt like I was a part of the team at Schneider Downs rather than just a typical intern. I was given responsibilities that I never experienced at another internship. I learned a lot about what auditing is like in public accounting. This internship at Schneider Downs has been very valuable for me, and I truly am glad I decided to accept the offer to intern at Schneider Downs because it was a great experience.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.

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