My Summer Experience with Schneider Downs

Completing an internship is a crucial component to a student’s college experience.  Internships allow students to gain valuable knowledge in multiple facets. 

These facets include education, professional growth and personal growth.  My internship with Schneider Downs has proven to be beneficial in each of these aforementioned areas. 

This internship with Schneider Downs has been great for my education.  It has allowed me to apply the knowledge I have gained in the classroom to real-life work scenarios.  Through my internship with Schneider Downs, I have gained a more comprehensive understanding of the material I have learned in class and am excited to apply my work experience to the classroom in the fall. 

My internship with Schneider Downs granted me the ability to grow as a professional.  First and foremost, this internship taught me the ins-and-outs of the IT Audit industry while simultaneously exposing me to work life and culture.  This is my first full-time position and could not be happier with the workforce introduction Schneider Downs provided me with.  This internship is also an excellent resume builder, setting me up for future success down the road. 

Arguably the most beneficial aspect of my internship with Schneider Downs is the personal growth I have been able to gather throughout my experience.  I have developed a strong work ethic while taking on the responsibilities of an adult.  Working this summer opened my eyes to work life in a way that is unattainable without an internship.  Completing an internship should be a top priority for all college students and I could not recommend applying to Schneider Downs enough as my experience has been nothing but positive.  

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