My Thoughts on Auditing

On the first day of my first class of my junior year of college, Intermediate Accounting welcomes me back from summer vacation with a worker from career services at our school. “You all need to get your resumes in to us and apply for internships for next summer,” she says. I just came back from vacation and they already wanted resumes for the next summer? As my mind slowly adjusts from summer vacation to school setting, I realized I was going to apply for internships and I just declared my major three months ago. It was now my time to start looking for an internship.

 Internships are important for many reasons: to work with great companies and people, also to gain hands-on knowledge. Classrooms work on the hard skills that can be taught through textbooks and tests, and college does a great job of establishing a foundation in educating about accounting. On the other hand, internships work on other skills that schools can’t teach, for example: communicating with people and working as a team. Other than a couple of group projects in school there is no learning how to work with other members of a team at a client to accomplish the goal. This is an exciting time for me to be able to work with different people and learn from them.

So, less than a year later, I found myself sitting in the conference room at Schneider Downs eager to start my internship, ready to learn firsthand the importance of it. After starting training, I was ready to enter the field and work for a client, but before this internship I had never worked on an audit or event taken an audit class. The employees at Schneider Downs did a great job in explaining to me what to do and answered all of my questions. What is unique about Schneider Downs is that they treat the interns like first-year staff, which creates a unique situation for an intern.  Even though I never had an audit class, I was doing walkthroughs at my first client.

I am over halfway done with my internship, and I underestimated how important internships are and how much one can learn from them. This internship is an invaluable experience, and I am thankful to Schneider Downs for the opportunity to intern this summer, as it taught me so much about accounting and being a professional. I valued every day from what I could learn from a client or an employee and continued my education in the accounting field. I look forward for the last couple of weeks in my internship to continue learning and interning for Schneider Downs.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.

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