My Virtual Internship

COVID-19 has put a hold on nearly everyone’s plans. In my case, I was afraid it would halt the start of my accounting career.

I started my first internship in the office of a small local tax firm right before coronavirus outbreak hit. Unfortunately, after only a month I was sent home, ending my brief experience and making me even more apprehensive about my upcoming summer tax internship with Schneider Downs. I wasn’t very optimistic of being able to complete my summer assignment, and was afraid the steps I’d taken through education and work would be for nothing.

As days rolled on, it was beginning to look like the virus would never leave and I would be stuck in an endless limbo. Finally, after weeks of waiting, I learned that not only would my internship be carried out, but the whole experience would be online. Needless to say, I came into this internship with low expectations; I ended up being pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Schneider Downs embraced the virtual experience with open arms. There were three ways in which I feel I was able to get the most out of my internship. For one, I was finally working in the field I wanted. No longer would I have to take care of landscaping my neighbor’s yard or do contracting work on houses in the South Side Slopes. Within my actual internship, I was able to learn more than I thought possible in a virtual setting. I was totally immersed in an environment where I would not only be able to utilize the knowledge I’d received in the past three years of college, but also build upon it. I saw more, and learned more, about tax in the three weeks of my internship than I thought I would. Even in a virtual setting, I was able to work on a wide mix of different assignments. From 1040s to 990s, I truly received a wealth of experience.

My favorite aspect of the internship, though was how Schneider Downs was able to keep me connected. Even working at home in my lonesome, I never felt like I was left on an island. I was able to meet and connect with so many people. And not only did I learn of the work Schneider Downs does in more detail but, more importantly, I was able to discover the personality of the firm. In this virtual reality, I met people in a more intimate setting than I ever thought possible. The ability to connect and create relationships while sitting alone in my apartment was remarkable. That was my biggest takeaway from this whole experience.

Everyone I was able to meet along the way, from a first-year staff member to a shareholder, was personable and helpful. I can see how Schneider Downs has such a great reputation in the community and with its clients. This three-week virtual internship has taught me more than just accounting. Through it, I learned the importance of opportunity, relationships and experience through any situation the world is facing.

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Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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