My Virtual Internship

COVID-19 has had a drastic effect on the entire world and has essentially revolutionized the internship experience.

When the pandemic first began, I had just started an internship at Robert Morris University, and unfortunately, when the university closed my internship ended abruptly.  At the time, I was currently interviewing for future internships and had no idea what these internships may look like in a post-pandemic world.

After the interviewing process, I was extended an offer to intern with Schneider Downs but with all the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic I had no idea what my internship was going to look like.  As my internship grew closer it became clear that I was going to have to complete my internship virtually.  Although I did my best to prepare myself, the thought of completing an internship remotely was both scary and exciting.  While I was excited to not have to make the long commute into Pittsburgh every morning, I was concerned about whether I could have an effective experience in a virtual world.

Before starting at Schneider Downs, my expectations for a virtual internship were extremely low.  I did not think it would be possible to effectively learn how to become an auditor without being in person with experienced colleagues there to help me.  Even though I went into my internship extremely concerned, I soon realized that there was nothing to worry about.

My virtual internship with Schneider Downs has been anything but a disappointment, in fact, it has been amazing.  I was concerned with how I could be an effective employee in a remote environment, but I have been able to excel in a virtual world.  I not only have my engagement team as a resource, but I also have countless other coworkers that I have met throughout my experience that I can contact at any time for assistance.

The fact that I am always connected to everyone else in the firm through Microsoft Teams has truly been an invaluable resource.  This has not only allowed me to effectively work on my current clients, but it also keeps me connected with my engagement team long after I have moved on to the next client, so as things come up I can effectively and efficiently respond to the needs of my previous client.  

While I cannot wait to be in person and see what it is like being an auditor in the real world, I have been pleasantly surprised by my experience working remotely.  I enjoy my work every day so much that before I know it the day is over, and the best part is I do not have to spend my evenings making the long commute home with the rest of the Pittsburgh traffic.  With this internship Schneider Downs has provided me both an amazing opportunity and experience and it is something that I would not hesitate to do again.

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