On the Road with Schneider Downs

During my freshman year at Grove City College, I decided to become a member of the Accounting Society. Going into it, I wasn’t quite sure what these monthly meetings would consist of, but I knew being a part of this group would help me learn more about my field of study. During our first meeting, the director of Career Services came to speak with us about searching for jobs and internships. She spoke about the process of networking, applying, and interviewing for these positions, along with the hands-on-experience gained through these opportunities. It was at this moment when I knew I wanted to pursue an accounting internship after my junior year.

When I began my internship search at the beginning of my junior year, I knew I wanted to work as an audit intern for a regional CPA firm, located in Pittsburgh. During my research, I landed upon Schneider Downs & Co. I then learned about the SD’s fast-pace growth and various clients in different industries, and I became instantly hooked on pursuing an internship with the firm. After going through the application and interview process, I was thrilled to be accepted into the program. Leading up to a few weeks before my start date, I was even more excited, but also a little nervous because I had not yet had an auditing class in school. I had a fear that I might make mistakes or not know what I was doing.

Fast-forward several weeks later, I now realize that these fears of mine were trivial. From the start of my internship until now, I have felt more than welcome at Schneider Downs. Working at various client sites with a team of auditors has been more of a learning experience than I could have ever gathered from a classroom setting, and my superiors have been extremely encouraging and gracious while teaching me the ins and outs of different audits. In addition, I have gained friendships along the way, which has been the most invaluable aspect. If I could give advice to a future incoming intern, I would tell him or her to calm any nerves because the experience at Schneider Downs will certainly be a pleasant surprise and more than one could expect.

Contact us if you have questions regarding Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
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Impacting Through Interning
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