Preparation was Stressful, but Well Worth It

My Audit Experience

It had been a goal of mine to get an internship in public accounting for the summer after my junior year. People would always tell me how important it was to get this experience and make new connections. My professors at Washington and Jefferson College always stressed the importance of getting out-of-class experience and how public accounting is a great starting point for one’s career.

Through my experience at Schneider Downs thus far, I see how correct all of these people are. The entire recruiting process was new to me; I had never even been in a real interview. Preparation for the interviews was stressful; researching the firm and remembering all of its values. Regardless of my thorough preparation, the process was made very simple with Schneider Downs. Schneider Downs’ interviews were relaxed, and there was no reason for me to be nervous. This helped me tremendously and gave me a comfortable feeling with the firm.

Coming into Schneider Downs as an audit intern, I was not really sure what to expect. Despite this, my comfortable feelings still remained. Everyone was very friendly, which made my experience much easier and much more enjoyable. The employees helped me through things I had never worked on before and helped me pick up topics that were new to me. I have learned many things about auditing and various accounting topics that I never learned in the classroom. Some of these subjects include the processes of an ERISA plan and not-for-profit and A-133 procedures. I have made connections with new people who have taught me valuable information for my future by giving me the experience I need to begin a career. The hands-on experience I am getting that has been preached to me for many years in school will only benefit me and prepare me for whatever the future holds.

I have greatly enjoyed my experience with Schneider Downs and appreciate the opportunity to learn from experienced and intelligent people. I plan on continuing to pursue work in public accounting and look forward to the many more industry areas that I will explore in my future.

Kevin Mechas explains his experiences at Schneider Downs during his internship in the Audit Department.

For more information about Internships at Schneider Downs visit our blog or read about our opportunities for students.

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