Problem-Solving Takes Question-Asking

My Internship Experience

Over the past few years, professors, advisors, and even my friends and family have stressed to me how important it is to get a head start on finding an internship. I did not quite see where they were coming from at the time, but fortunately I decided to take their advice anyway. In the fall of my junior year at Robert Morris University, I began my pursuit of summer internships.

It was not until summer rolled around and my internship at Schneider Downs began, did I realize what everyone meant about the importance of an internship. My time here at Schneider Down has been an incredible experience thus far. During my eight weeks here, I have learned more than I could in any classroom.  I have learned the importance of time management, building relationships, problem-solving, and many other key factors.

Time management has always been one of my strongest assets; however, applying it to a work-like situation was a learning experience for me. Because every client and every task is just as important as the other, I have learned ways to work most efficiently, so that everything was completed in a timely manner. Another very important thing I have learned during my internship is how crucial it is to build a strong relationship with clients and other team members. Gaining such strong relationships gave me the confidence to ask any questions that I had of other team members and even of the clients. This was key in each and every engagement that I have worked on. Lastly, and a maybe most importantly, I have learned how vital problem-solving is. Although every team member has always been extremely willing to help, sometimes it was necessary to slow down, take a step back and work through any issues at hand. It was quite challenging at times, but I definitely looked at it as a learning opportunity.

Kristie Hamilton explains her experiences as an intern in the Audit department of the Public Accounting Firm, Schneider Downs.

For more information about our internship program, please visit our blog or read about our opportunities for students.


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