Rebooting My Life

For a computer, a reboot can help fix a myriad of problems. It clears the system and allows for a fresh start. For me, my reboot came from the start of my ICS internship with Schneider Downs. My internship with Schneider Downs came about in a somewhat unorthodox way. On a whim, my friend and I decided to attend a networking dinner offered by Ohio State’s business school.  Enticed by free food and a chance to network, there was no way that we were going to pass on the offer. The dinner gave me the chance to talk to a large variety of companies, but the company that made the largest impact on me was an accounting firm called Schneider Downs. Despite being a computer science major, I was drawn in by the chance to intern for a company that worked with some non-profits and worked personally with their clients. When I had my interview, my original thoughts on the company were reaffirmed and I knew that this was the place I wanted to work. When I got my offer, I accepted immediately and forgot to tell my parents… oops! Thankfully, they were happy to hear the news and thus began my journey with Schneider Downs.

During my first week at Schneider Downs, I was hit with news that I couldn’t be fully prepared for: I had been medically disqualified from continuing on in ROTC. While the news was life-altering, I decided to throw myself into my internship and learn about all of the new opportunities that awaited me, both at Schneider Downs and in life. Working in ICS has given me a variety of experiences that extend far beyond what a classroom can teach. They don’t teach classes in customer service; the only way to learn it is through experience. The ICS department has taught me how to stand tall even when things aren’t going the way you wanted, or expected, them to go. When I have helped various employees in the offices, most of the time the resolution to an issue isn’t straight-forward. Whether it’s a new issue appearing during the resolution of the first problem or a program won’t install, often times nothing will go as planned and you have to find a new approach. You never give up and sometimes you just have to ask for help because, in this company and in the ICS department especially, you’re never alone. As the summer has progressed, I’ve done many things I never thought I would do. I’ve saved a hard drive after an electrical storm, helped in the migration of client portals, encrypted many flash drives, and I even got to go on a business trip to Pittsburgh. There aren’t many companies that allow their interns to do the kind of work I experienced this summer.

When I started this summer, I was very unsure of myself and my future. I didn’t know where I was going or anything about what I wanted to do once I graduated. As this summer comes to a close, I feel as though Schneider Downs has given me a much needed reboot. Every time I step into the office, I feel refreshed and ready to take on all of the challenges that my internship, and life will throw at me. The people and connections I’ve made are all genuine and have helped me realize that my future is far brighter than I thought it was and for that I will be forever grateful.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
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Impacting Through Interning
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